Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Blog post due 4/2

For this weeks book club blog post I want you to think about what kinds of outside research might help you understand the content of the book better and/or supplement your reading. Make a list of topics. 


  1. Some of the outside research that might be helpful for the Breach of Faith book:

    Biography of the Author –
    What types of writing has the author done?
    What does the author do now?
    What is the authors’ political affiliation?
    How did he benefit from this publication?

    Read past articles or work from the author – especially articles that were written about the same topic that the book was written about. Did the author use the articles as anchor material and sandwiched “other” material to create the book?

    Read some other material on Hurricane Katrina to see how original this book is.

    Research people mentioned in the book and see if there is any other relevant information that can be understood in the book.

    Read critiques about the author and his different works.

    1. I agree with all of your outside research ideas. Learning about the author in depth can help you grab very useful information. Finding articles that were written about the same topic can also help you understand more about your book.

    2. it has already shown our group how much information you can get and how much it will shape a reader's views or support them. I added a link to my post. Check it out if you have the chance

  2. My group has already started to look at different kinds of outside sourcing for our book. Things that we've already looked at are the personal connections that Krakauer had to Mortenson. His writing seemed extremely angry in a personal way towards Mortenson so we questioned why that was. Then we looked into other people who donated to Mortenson's charity and how the coauthor had committed suicide. More things we could look into are news articles that explain the work that Mortenson was claiming to do. Also I feel it would be interesting to look more into what other people had to say after the news broke about Mortenson's deceite.

  3. Some of the possible topics that my group could look into would be such as:

    History of author: what are her credentials that make her credible for the book
    What type of research the author did personally
    research more into the complex criteria mentioned such as the generator systems or medical terms so the reader can better understand.
    possibly email co-editors/co-writers and get more isnight on what research they did to contribute.
    Look more into the demographics of new orleans to even see how the hurricane really effected the area.

  4. 5 Days at Memorial
    Jared Crawford

    -Bio of author, previous works and possible connections to hurricane katrina
    -Past work from author
    -Other works about Memorial Hospital
    -News articles from time that connect to story
    -Any works dealing with Hurricane Katrina
    -Official government reports about the problems Memorial faced
    -Critiques of the Book/Author
    -Follow Up on author pertaining to the book

    1. Hearing from other people i feel is the most important reaseach because it opens your eyes to things you may not have thought of before

  5. I feel like the best secondary research for my groups book (3 Cups of Tea)would be to research the Author (Mortensen`s) past, and even a little bit about his present.
    I feel that finding the littlest things out about a person can totally change the way you think about a person and there writing.

    I also think it would be a good idea to research what other people such as critics and even people you may know who have read mortensens writing options and feelings of his writing. I feel that hearing from other people can open your eyes to things you may not have seen or thought of yourself.

    1. I think it would be good for you to research Mortenson's past and find out a little more about him. I find it interesting because I am reading Three Cup's of Deceit and it had a lot to do with Mortenson.

    2. Most defnitly
      Ik your book condricts mortnesen alot and just knowing that alone kindof changes the way i read this book

  6. My group has already looked at outside research for our book, Three Cups of Deceit. Krakauer seemed very opinionated and was very angry towards Mortenson. We started to question why he was like that and then we found that Krakauer had donated money to Mortenson's charity. I think we could find more articles to see why Krakauer was so upset and more about Mortenson's charity.

    1. That was very progressive of you guys to start doing outside research! It makes sense to research potential motives.

  7. 5 Days at Memorial:
    -News articles on hurricane Katrina
    -Stories about survivers
    -Stories from doctors involved in Katrina
    -Different books by this author
    - Any videos of hurricane Katrina
    -Pictures of the hospital after the storm
    -Any works about the author

    1. Those are some excellent outside sources to gain better insight on what's happening in your book. To consider everything affected & incorporated within the book, outside of it, & put that into context with the real world. Thinking outside the box.

  8. My group is reading Three Cups of Deceit & we began by googling both, Krakauer and Mortenson, the author of Three Cups of Tea. A brief backrgound/summary on each was useful when trying to determine both, credibility and authenticity of the authors. After further research, our group was able to identify Krakauer's motive behind writing Cups of Deciet as well as Mortenson's fate, post it's publication. The majority of our information was compiled through new articles.

  9. 3 Cups of Tea
    Research on the Area that is covered in the book
    Research on Mortenson because apparently he is very questionable
    Other pieces or stories by Mortenson
    Actual proof of what he talks about in the book

    1. Good start to our list. But make sure to make it a bit more specific and relevant to the actual information that we are trying to capture.

  10. Five Days at Memorial
    -other factual accounts of Hurricane Katrina
    -recent research on Hurricane Katrina--has the reporting of any facts changed?
    -hospital records
    -reviews of the author--is she a credible source?
    -other works by the author
    -check-ins with survivor--where are they now?
    -eye-witness accounts of hurricane

  11. Breach of Faith

    Our group did research together in class. We discovered the author had significant help with interviewing survivors of hurricane katrina. Which makes us question the way the book was written. I would be interested in questioning his sources and actual survivors to see if their stories match up. Also look into other pieces of the authors work to compare his writing styles.

  12. Three Cups of Tea

    The amount of research and areas to find this background information can differ quite a bit. By this I mean there are a lot of angles to finding more information on the book, to actually questioning the credibility of the author. The list that I have come up with is:

    -Education rates in Pakistan
    -Poverty rates
    -Greg Mortenson's past
    -Greg Mortenson's financial records (if we can actually do that)
    -Literal interviews with the people that Mortenson had said he communicated with

  13. Secondary research that I would find interesting would be background info on Krakauer and what connection he had to Mortenson. Reading excerpts from Three Cups of Tea would also be a great secondary source for my group because hearing both sides of the story is always interesting and find out exactly how Mortenson was deceitful towards the people who had donated to him. Finding out people like Obama had donated money to him was extremely interesting to read about and getting connections he had to others including Krakauer would be extremely helpful to form an informed opinion.

  14. Useful outside research:

    A biography on the author and his contributions:

    Where is the author currently?
    His underlying purpose of writing the novel?
    interviews that were conducted on the author about the novel...

    Critical reviews on the novel.... good and bad (taking both with a grain of salt)
